
Archive for October, 2009

Motivation drives metacognitive skills, which in turn activate learning and thinking skills, which then provide feedback to the metacognitive skills, enabling one’s level of expertise to increase. The declarative and procedural knowledge acquired through the extension of the thinking and learning skills also results in these skills being used more effectively in the future.

In her book “Neuropsychology and Cognition – Students with Both Gifts and Learning Disabilities”, Tina Newman stated that the key elements of the model of developing expertise are:

1) Metacognitive skills: problem recognition, problem definition, problem representation, strategy formulation, resource allocation, monitoring o problem solving, and evaluation of problem solving;

2) Learning skills: explicit (what occurs when we make an effort to learn); implicit (what occurs when we pick up information incidentally, without any systematic effort).

3) Thinking skills: Critical (analytical) thinking skills (analyzing, critiquing, judging, evaluation, comparing and contrasting, assessing); Creative thinking skills (creating, discovering, inventing, imagining, supposing, hypothesizing); Practical thinking skills (applying, using, utilizing, practicing).

4) Knowledge: Declarative knowledge – knowing that (facts, concepts, principles, laws); Procedural knowledge – knowing how (procedures and strategies).

5) Motivation: Achievement motivation; competence motivation; motivation to develop one’s own intellectual skills

Motivation drives metacognitive skills, which in turn activate learning and thinking skills, which then provide feedback to the metacognitive skills, enabling one’s level of expertise to increase. the declarative and procedural knowledge acquired through the extension of the thinking and learning skills also results in these skills being used more effectively in the future.


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Board Games that are not fun to play will not be played much.

Play it often as a family while dining out, awaiting for the food to arrive.

Begin with some games of chance that were pure fun.

Then other games that are fun, but which also require logic.

You will find the great deal of enjoyment and enthusiasm making gaming time the high point of each dining out trip.

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